Canadian Museum of History
Books from this publisher
Gowen Sites: Cultural Responses to Climatic Warming on the Northern Plains (7500-5000 B.C.)
Grant Lake Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories
Greeks of Vancouver
A study in the preservation of ethnicity
Greenville Burial Ground
Human Remains and Mortuary Elements in British Columbia Coast Prehistory
Hahanudan Lake
An Ipiutak-Related Occupation of Western Interior Alaska
Haida Burial Practices
Three Archaeological Examples; The Gust Island Burial Shelter, The Skungo Cave North Island, Mass Burials from Tan
Harder Site
A Middle Period Bison Hunters’ Campsite in the Northern Great Plains
Hare Indians and their world
Historique du nouvel emplacement du Musée national de l'Homme à Hull
History Division: annual review, 1972
History Division: annual review, 1973
History Division: annual review, 1974
History museum as an effective educational institution
History of Atlantic Canada
Museum interpretations
History of the Native People of Canada
Volume I (10,000-1,000 B.C.)
History of the Native People of Canada
Volume II (1,000 B.C. – A.D. 500)
History of the Native People of Canada, Volume III (A.D. 500 – European Contact)
Part 1: Maritime Algonquian, St. Lawrence Iroquois, Ontario Iroquois, Glen Meyer/Western Basin, and Northern Algonquian Cultures
Hood Site
A Historic Neutral Town of 1640 A.D.
Hooper Bay kayak construction
Magico-religious beliefs of contact-traditional Chipewan trading at Fort Resolution, NWT, Canada
Icelandic-Canadian memory lore
Icelandic-Canadian oral narratives
Icelandic-Canadian popular verse
Icon in Canada
Recent findings from the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Ideal world of Mrs. Widder's soirée musicale
Music and difference in nineteenth-century Ontario
Identity of the Saint Francis Indians
Iglulualumiut Prehistory
The Lost Inuit of Franklin Bay
Implements of golf
A Canadian perspective
In memoriam: Peter Lewis Paul, 1902-1989
In the shadow of the sun
Perspectives on contemporary native art
Index for the Urban History Review 1972-1977 / Index pour la revue d’histoire urbaine 1972-1977
Individual in northern Dene thought and communication
A study in sharing and diversity