Canadian Museum of History
Books from this publisher
Eskimo music by region
A comparative circumpolar study
Estuary Bison Pound Site in Southwestern Saskatchewan
Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians
Ethnobotany of the Gitksan Indians of British Columbia
Ethnohistoric study of eastern James Bay Cree social organization, 1700-1850
Ethnolinguistic profile of the Canadian Metis
Ethnology Division: Annual review 1972
Ethnology Division: Annual review 1974
Evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians
Examination of Prehistoric Copper Technology and Copper Sources in Western Arctic and Subarctic North America
Excavation of Water-Saturated Archaeological Sites (Wet Sites) on the Northwest Coast of North America
Experimental Study of Microwear Formation on Endscrapers
Factors influencing kamik production in Arctic Bay, Northwest Territories
Family origin histories
The whaling indians: West Coast legends and stories — Part 11 of the Sapir-Thomas Nootka texts
Fascinating challenges
Studying material culture with Dorothy Burnham
Faunal Remains from the Nodwell Site (Bchi-3) and from Four Other Sites in Bruce County, Ontario
Fiddle music in the Ottawa Valley
Dawson Girdwood
Finnish sauna in Manitoba
Folk fiddling in Canada
A sampling
Folk music in a Newfoundland outport
Folk music of Canada's oldest Polish community / La musique traditionnelle de la plus ancienne communauté polonaise du Canada
Folk narrative among Ukrainian-Canadians in western Canada
Forgeron de campagne
Un inventaire d'outils
Fort Reliance, Yukon
An Archaeological Assessment
Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History, 1845-1859
From boxkite to jet
The memoirs of an aeronautical engineer
From chantre to djak
Cantorial traditions in Canada
From the earth to beyond the sky
An ethnographic approach to four Longhouse Iroquois speech events
Gambling music of the Coast Salish Indians
Glass manufacturing in Canada
A survey of pressed glass patterns
Glenbrook Village Site
A Late St. Lawrence Iroquoian Component in Glengarry County, Ontario